canada general hiking moosling trip reports

Stanley Mitchell hut trip

Another weekend, another hut trip – it must be summer in the Canadian Rockies.

This time around we were heading out to spend two nights in the Stanley Mitchell hut. In the carpark we decided to hike in via the Iceline – the weather was so nice, and who knows what the next couple of days would bring. Plus there was the added advantage of getting the uphill over and done with first thing. At least that was the theory.

We had three small hikers hiking in with us, and a fourth so small that she was carried the whole way in.

The boys did a pretty great job of hiking in up the enormous hill. Occasionally they argued or complained, but they also did cute things like hiking along holding hands and chatting.

It wasn’t too long before we were up high enough to be getting views of Takakkaw Falls.

And then, stopping for lunch, goofing around taking photos in front of Takakkaw Falls.

I got the boys to work on their jumping – they’ll be experts in no time.

We kept thinking we were nearly out of the trees, and nearly done climbing. But the climbing kept coming and coming. Hmmm. With the way the Iceline trail rolls up and down, you really can’t guarantee you’re done with climbing until you’re back down in the trees again.

More switchbacks brought us higher and higher, until we finally reached the moraine bench (and views of the Scott Duncan hut).

Then we could see glaciers up above us – aha, finally, now it feels like we’re really on the Iceline!

There were some magnificent enormous boulders strewn around. Good for both shady snack stops, and for climbing on top of and ambushing approaching hikers.

There were as many streams to cross as I remembered too. Fresh meltwater, nice and cool on a warm day.

It was a ridiculously gorgeous day too.

We found a patch of snow along the trail at one point, and the boys gleefully took the opportunity to build snowmen, and pelt parents with snowballs.

Then, finally, the descent off the far end. A few switchbacks, and we were back into the trees, hallooing for bears and racing to the hut.

And into the hut! We met up with the others in our group, and had the first of a series of delicious group meals.

Most of the beds were in the loft – and the ladder access was alternately fun and terrifying for the kids.

My contribution to dinner on the first night – chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream icing. The cake turned into a chocolate loaf and muffins, due to baking tin restrictions at the hut. Who am I to complain though, there were baking tins and an oven at the hut!

The stars came out, eventually. Views from the hut were pretty lovely.

And then, breakfast time!

But after breakfast, the first of many play sessions in the Little Yoho River.

Our home for two nights – Stanley Mitchell Hut. The inscription above the fireplace reads ‘sic itur ad astra’ – the latin, ‘thus one goes to the stars’ or something similar.

The boys spent some time playing two-person guitar.

And then hanging out on the island.

Games of bocce were made even more interesting by all the ground squirrel holes around. Sometimes spotters were deployed, other times the players just chose to live dangerously, which led to a couple of reaches into holes to retrieve balls. None were lost over the course of the night.

Alex, Kat and Gavin went for a run in the rain, up to Kiwetiknok Pass.

Then I played an enemy, and had rocks thrown into the river to splash at me by the hoards on the far side of the river. Rivers and rocks – they have endless entertainment value, you just cannot go astray if you camp near rocks and rivers.

And then, it was Sunday morning, and we all started to hike away. But first! A photo of the whole crew.

On our way out, we stopped for snacks at the bridge (or lunch, maybe it was lunch) and Alex napped, as per usual. The Little Yoho River was getting bigger and bigger.

Then, after a lot of downhill, we made it to Laughing Falls. There was a unicorn there.

The boys played a game of ‘hide the rock, and then make the adults find the rock that you hid’. Rocks and rivers, I’m telling you.

Then comes the unfortunate part of the hike, where it’s kind of flat and in the trees. Some people probably love it, but it’s the part of the whole loop that I find hardest to love.  Fortunately the jelly bean and smarties fairies were both visiting, and so the boys had treasure hunting to keep them entertained.

But then finally, we could see Takakkaw Falls. And we’d made it!

Hiking in (via the Iceline):  12km (800m elevation gain)
Hiking out (via Laughing Falls): 11km (~40m elevation gain)

canada general hiking moosling

Asulkan hut trip

We were lucky enough to be invited along on another TanyaTripâ„¢, when another family had to pull out. With the entire Asulkan Hut booked out for our group, and us never having spent time in the Rogers Pass area at all in summer, we were very excited to be able to say yes.

We’d been a bit distracted in the lead up to the hike, and so when we turned up in the parking lot, we were only kind of organised. I had my rainbow fur gaiters and unicorn head though, so really, what else would we possibly need? We’d skied in to the hut before in winter, so we knew it was about 7km in – along the valley at first, and then steeply up. And we knew the weather was likely to be stormy on the first day. What am I saying, we were totally prepared!

It was great to catch up with some of the crew from our Easter Elizabeth Parker Hut trip. I gained a new hiking best buddy, and I’m still wearing the rainbow woollen bracelet she finger-knitted for me.

As we got further upstream and out of the trees, the views became absurdly spectacular. Asulkan Valley, you are beautiful.

But then the threatening clouds kicked into action, and there was a downpour! We darted under a tree and got rain coats on. After a little indecision we just kept hiking, wandering past Tanya and her family sensibly hiding under a tarp. For a while it was hailing!

But then, as quickly as a chocolate-stuffed waffle is eaten, the clouds passed, and we were hiking in the sun again.

The kids were getting to know each other again too, discussing the merits of pack covers among other equally weighty and serious topics of conversation.

As we started to climb up onto the moraine, we were eyeing the skies suspiciously. Thunder and lightning had been rumbling through, but it seemed like we’d have enough of a window to get up to the hut before another storm came to the valley.

It was good incentive to power our way up the steep moraine though!

The kids rocked it – although there were many questions about when we’d be able to see the hut. Asulkan is what we’ve now dubbed a ‘Hidey Hut’ – because you don’t see it until you’re basically there.

Just before we got to the hut there was a huge snow patch for some sliding fun!

And then, hut time! We settled in, then wandered down to the stream and watched a fat looking ptarmigan stand up to reveal three chicks hidden beneath her plumage.

The unicorn showed up again.

And then swung by the hut to visit the kids…

And as the weather turned, the kids settled in to read books, play with lego, and invent new versions of gameplay for Carcassonne.

The thunderstorms swept in with a vengeance, and there was a roaring wind and hailstorms as we sat snugly in the safety of the hut. Getting the kids out to the outhouse before bedtime was something of an adventure, as we raced through the wind and hung on tight to the small ones so they wouldn’t be swept up by the wind and blown away (ok, not actually a legitimate worry, but it was pretty windy).

The stairs in the Asulkan Hut are a little on the steep side – more a ladder than stairs. But they make for a great training facility for budding climbers and goofballs alike.

The next morning our family  had to hike out and head into Golden, missing the second night in the hut – boo!

But first, it was time for some photos. The old standard – unicorn and children posing with Canadian flag on top of a moraine.

And then a group shot of our excellent crew of three families.

Then it was time to head downhill. We’d allowed plenty of time, but were surprised how quick the hike out was.

The moraine was steep, but fairly fast to hike down. Even with frequent photo stops.

The day was shaping up to be lovely and sunny.

And the boy is getting better and better at jumping.

I attempted to get a photo of my awesome hiking outfit – the rainbow fur gaiters sure do garner a lot of attention, and brighten up cloudy days.

Down into the green overgrowth, we started yelling out for bears, and spying marmots. I’ve never hiked an area with so many marmots, we saw more than ten of them in just a few minutes.

On the way out we stopped to admire some of the ruins of Glacier House, one of CPR’s first great railway hotels (eventually closed after the railway was rerouted due to avalanche hazard). Oh to be one of the mountaineering folks from the early 1900s.

Distance: 7km one-way
Elevation gain: ~850m on the way in
Time: 4hr45min in, 2hr30min out (total times, including lunch breaks and such)

bikes canada general moosling

Canada Day and lots of sun

Canada Day long weekend, with wonderfully good weather, and a visiting grandma. After a few hours of volunteering, we hit up the parade, then hung out at Centennial Park all afternoon; followed by more volunteering at the RMCC bike crit in the evening – the judge from our citizenship ceremony would be very proud.

Another day, more sun, biking up to Quarry Lake for an awesome afternoon of picnic, cake, and hanging out on our Lamzac air sofa thing. And then icecream and music (and dancing) for Blue, by the old school bus.

Another day with even more sun! But also a headwind as Allan and I rode the 1A out to get icecream, and back home to get beer.

Nothing quite like a tailwind blowing you back to Canmore…

And then, finally, I was supposed to be back at work.  But Felix and I took off early and went to ride up the back of Sulphur Mountain before work.

After an early stand-off with a bull elk (we thought we were going to have to change our plans, but he moved eventually) we were off and away. I’d never ridden up there before – it’s pretty relentless. And my seatpost kept sliding down, just to make riding up five kilometres of 16% gradient gravel just a little bit easier.

Sweet sweet summit, we figured we may as well wander on up to the summit proper.

Past the marmot sunning itself happily on a rock, and to the top for summit selfies.


canada general hiking moosling trip reports

Out from Ribbon Lake via North Buller Pass

After saying goodbye to the others, we set off towards North Buller Pass.

First, back over the bridge and up along that strip of snow that angles into the creek – none of us fell in.

Back up and over the huge snow patches *trudge trudge trudge*

I even let the boy have the camera to get a photo of us.

Wandering across to North Buller pass is a route rather than a path. We spread out and picked our way across the tussocky grass, before reaching… what’s this? Yet more snow!

Thankfully it was fairly easy to cross, although slower than we were expecting. We picked our line carefully, and then made the final steep pitch up to the pass proper.

From there we were slightly relieved to confirm that from here down it was going to be mostly just dirt and scree.

We started singing as we picked our way down, and re-entered the trees. Moving faster now, and it was starting to get warmer, and with clearer skies than there had been all weekend.

And below is where I finally confirm that the boy has inherited my weird hyper-flexing joints. Sorry Finn. He really enjoyed being the source of the waterfall though, so there’s that.

And then out out out through the wildflowers again, joining back onto the main trail that connects to South Buller Pass.

Distance: 12km
Elevation gain: 430m

canada general hiking moosling trip reports

Ribbon Lake camping

Camping at Ribbon Lake was another cunning plan of Tanya’s, come to fruition while my mother was visiting.  A bunch of us had booked camping sites up at Ribbon Lake, and four families gathered in the parking lot to hike in together.

The Ribbon Creek bridge is much further away when you’re hiking instead of riding the High Rockies trail.

There were four kids along in our group hiking in. All good little hikers, but enjoying the stops to check out the river and throw rocks into them.

Our lunch stop was at the scenic circular waterfall.

After a break to feed the starving masses, we wandered up through the burnt trees, gradually chatting and get to know each other. We knew Tanya & Mark of course, but hadn’t met the other two families before.

Almost everyone was in photo approved colours though!

As we climbing up above the treeline, we found a patch of snow! This also had to be played with.

And then a boulder for the kids to play on…

Goofballs hamming it up on top of the boulder…

The way up and over South Buller Pass was still a little snow bound, but easy to hop across, especially when you weigh under 25kg.

I always seem to end up dragging Mum out into snow, no matter how hard she tries to come in the middle of summer when there can’t possibly be any snow.  She’s a very good sport about my attempts to drag her about on mad adventures though.

The final section of scree up to the pass was clear though, and there was some scrambling on the rocks instead of walking on the trail.

We didn’t hang out for too long at the pass – it was windy! But down below we could see Ribbon Lake. We started descending steeply.

More snow! We didn’t do much glissading, but it was tempting.

This part of the descent was a little spicy. There was a steeply angled strip of snow that led into the creek. A slip would have led to coldness, wetness and possible injury. We took it carefully.

No-one slid into the snowmelt creek though! And we were marching across the bridge and along the final stretch through the trees.

We set up at camp, finding some empty tent pads, and then the boy got another lesson on tying the laces on his new shoes.

We met up with the other family there, and started cooking dinner and playing games.

Then we sent the menfolk to go and wash the dishes in the cold cold lake so we could take photos of them.

Sitting around the campfire, we read stories, ate dinner, and played Catchphrase with a neat little electronic gadget someone had brought along.

I ended up in bed fairly early – I started off there trying to get the boy to sleep, but I think I fell asleep before him.

The next morning the kids were up building forts out of the campfire wood collection – or really, just inhabiting the forts that had already been built.

Meanwhile the smaller kids brought in an engineering consult as they tried to construct a smaller house out of wood. The big bad wolf would have had them in no time.

Then it was time to say goodbye. Three families were headed onwards, to descend the chains below Ribbon Lake, pick up cars and start a lengthy car shuttle. We were headed over North Buller Pass, and another crew were headed over South Buller Pass. But no matter where we were all going, we could rest safely in the knowledge that we were all so lovely and brightly coloured that we were sure to scare off any predators that were trying to eat us.

Another fun camping weekend! And it didn’t rain that much, woo!

Distance in to Ribbon Lake via South Buller Pass: 10.5km
Elevation gain: 630m