general snow

dear weather

Dear weather

This is what snow looks like (feel free to take your time looking at this images, examine them carefully):



Now, I would appreciate it if you could manage something like this. It will involve cold temperatures, and some precipitation (preferably localised in the alpine areas, but I’ll understand if you have to invoke a larger and more general area of rain). Really, it shouldn’t be too difficult. You managed to get it pretty cold about a month back, and you’ve had it raining fairly often over the last couple of weeks. Please, just see what you can do. Because you’re not reaching the performance goals outlined in the work agreement we had you sign earlier this year. And I’d hate to have to get rid of you.



Reasons winter is good

1) Porridge
2) Snow and frost making things pretty
3) Foggy days in Melbourne
4) Skiing
5) Getting warm by fires
6) Long nights
7) Blankets (snuggling in)

Reasons winter is bad

1) People cooking porridge in the microwave and letting it overflow then not cleaning up afterwards
2) Getting hypothermic in the snow
3) Having to have showers when you’re freezing cold
4) Cold nose, cold ears, cold hands, cold feet
5) Too cold to climb
6) Not enough sunlight
7) Having to wear several thousand layers
8) Rainy weekends
9) Continual lack of snow despite cold and rainy weather

general snow

nailing dead bodies to trees

There was no alpine start for this ascent, but he hiked up a mountain because it was there. More accurately, we hiked up a hill because it was there. Apparently it was also snow covered though, with the snow melting in the sunlight and dripping onto us (when it had tired of just brushing off onto us as we walked through snow dusted shrubbery).

After visiting the hill (Mt Torbreck, out near Taggerty and Eildon), we also found some of the melted snow hurling itself off a small cliff.

bikes general snow

how to make your leg muscles burn in three easy steps

Step One: Go on a 20 km mountain bike on Saturday morning

Step Two: Go on a 7 km run (street-orienteering) on Saturday afternoon

Step Three: Go to Mt Buller on Sunday and have your first day of telemarking for the season

general snow

and it’s only april!

Went out to play in the snow today :)

There was a slight change of plans after realising the weather would be horrible for sea kayaking, and that there would in all likelihood be a reasonable amount of snow at Mount Baw Baw. We like the snow.

However, I would have preferred a late season this year, so I could theoretically get my thesis written and then go off and play in the last of the snow. I suppose 1) The season could still end up finishing late, or 2) The snow running out could encourage me to magically get my thesis written sooner (hah!)