
let sleep

When I first opened my bedroom door this morning, there was a dog standing there. This came as a bit of a surprise to me, as there are no dogs living in my house. The dog followed me into the bathroom, and then downstairs, as I tried to determine the origin of said dog. Apparently he belongs to my soon to be ex-housemate, who collected him from the RSPCA. He is going to be living in her new house with her.

Meanwhile, Rocky the eclectus parrot got all exciteable this morning, and was going the route of screeching like a madman (instead of just amiable talking to himself, miaowing, and ringing like our telephone as he usually does).

And in completely unrelated news, a 7 foot pet boa constrictor just spent 8 days inside the dashboard of an old Subaru in Los Angeles, wrapped around the brake and clutch pedals so the owner couldn’t drive anywhere. Today they managed to dismantle the dash and free the snake. No photos please, we’re British.



One of the factors contributing to the Great Boston Fire of 1872:

Buildings in the path of the fire were demolished with gunpowder. Instead of forming a fire break the expoding building only spread the fire further.


the wonders of hofu

For those of you who are feeling like you’re getting too much done at the moment… as well as the original GROW game, there’s now GROW CUBE and GROW RPG. Enjoy… banging your head against the desk in frustration.

Edit – Oh, and I really meant hufu in the title… eat hufu, the healthy human flesh alternative.

general travel

interesting facts about mexico #34

Mexico has brightly coloured houses


Brightly coloured butterflies


And gum trees!

gum tree in san luis potosi

random interactions

“Maam, excuse me, maam… how long you been working on your hair?”
“About a year.”
“Oh yeah, you got it going on.” [gives me gentle punch on the arm] “Thanks.” [smile at man, keep walking down the street]