general hiking


I went hiking in Great Falls Park today. There were frozen waterfalls, and icy puddles, and trees without leaves. Hoards and hoards of trees without leaves. I can understand now why people get so excited about the leaves in autumn (or fall), as it would be pretty spectacular. Just about all Australian natives are evergreens, so our autumn isn’t anything special.

These are the Great Falls of the Potomac. Hmm, apparently many people consider them to be the most spectacular natural landmark in the Washington DC area (according to google). The Potomac is actually the dividing line between Maryland and Virginia – these photos were taken from the Maryland shore. More photos if you click on the link thingo underneath (the later photos are taken further downstream, earlier on in the hike).

Potomac at Great Falls


pennies Whose idea was it, that keeping the one-cent coin in circulation was a good idea in America. I pondered this as I emptied the little buggers out of my wallet once again. The one-cent coin, or penny… made of copper plated zinc, with a picture of Abraham Lincoln on one side, and the Lincoln memorial on the other. Apparently it’s the most widely used denomination in circulation in the USA.

A variety of surveys throughout the second half of the twentieth century have all shown high public support for the penny (above 70%). A group called Americans for Common Cents established themselves in 1990, and spend their time telling Congress why they shouldn’t get rid of the penny. Apart from the idea of public support, they point to adverse affects for consumers: “Removal of the penny will create the aggravation and confusion of rounding in each cash transaction.” Getting rid of the penny will remove the 0.3 cent profit the treasury collects on each penny made (although conflicting sources indicate this profit may be as little as 0.19 cents). And that good old argument – there’s no reason to change it so why should we.

Meanwhile, the arch-nemeses of the Americans for Common Cents group, the wicked and evil anti-penny organisations fight onwards for the removal of the “copper-coated scourge”. Now don’t get me started on the (10-cent) dime being half the size of the (5-cent) nickel.



american flags

I’m starting to put in a couple of applications for some apartments I like. There is one that really had a lot of character, it’s part of a very old townhouse building, and has a loft bedroom – total novelty, I’ve never seen a house in Melbourne quite like it (unsuprisingly). So that’s on the top of the list, then there are a couple of others that are your standard beige carpet, creamy coloured walls apartment, that seem to be everywhere.

As part of the rental application for the houses built after 1978 though, you also have to fill out a Disclosure of Information on Lead-Based Paint and Lead-Based Paint Hazard. Theres a brochure that goes with the disclosure, that has helpful bits of information like: “Keep children from chewing window sills or other painted surfaces.”

(Oh, and the flags? They’re just up infront of so many houses here. It’s a very American thing to do. There was talk about putting up a boxing kangaroo flag infront of this place.)



I’ve been hunting for a place to stay. Apparently studio apartment style places get called “efficiencies” as well here. So I went to have a look at an efficiency. It was a bit dark and dingy for my liking, so I’ll keep looking. Still haven’t been climbing here, but I’m still spending most of the day feeling like a wet dishcloth, so that might be a good thing. The photo below was taken from Mount Vernon. It’s down south from DC, and this is the view looking further south down the Potomac River.

view down the potomac

wading through the red tape

Acres and acres of red tape – I’ve been filling in endless forms, signing in and out of places, having photos taken, the lot.

Observations so far – the speed limits of American roads, particularly the freeway type areas, seem to be lower, but less observed. Totally ignored might be closer to it. They don’t have the fixed camera system set up here that we do in Melbourne – in the DC area anyway, and apparently they’re fighting to have it stay that way.

Also, I watched the superbowl last night. Well, actually, I watched the first half then fell asleep sitting on the sofa, drooling on my hand. Apparently it was an exciting game. I do remember watching Paul McCartney singing at half time. And the ad making fun of the boobgate episode with Janet Jackson last year.

Touristy activities so far: went to Mount Vernon yesterday. It’s George Washington’s farm – well, a smaller part of the original farm that he owned. A lot of things have been either preserved or recreated. It’s on the banks of the Potomac River, some really nice views. I was going to write a bit more coherently about it, but I’m still jetlagged after the flight, and my brain isn’t working particularly well at the moment.