
no i’m… doesn’t

Currently feeling: Perplexed by the apple, pineapple, green tea and mint smoothie I just purchased.

9 replies on “no i’m… doesn’t”

Yes, mint! There were small pieces of chopped up mint dancing around in my smoothie. And the taste! It was confusing! First it tasted like pineapple, then I would get a bit of mint, then undertones of green tea. It was the most stressful smoothie I’ve ever consumed.

how about the apple, apple is feeling left out, could you not taste the apple?

Even if it is un-PC, I still claim that smoothie flavors should not be integrated with the exception of established standard flavors (ie straw-banana)

Have you noticed that when your posts mention food, that the number of comments increases dramatically….for my 2 cents, whack some ginger in that smoothie

That’s a cromulent observation Darren…. as for the ginger… I could do it couldn’t I? I could go down to the smoothie store, and tell them to add ginger as well. I just might do that… it will have to be next week. Stay posted.

Lime and caramel? Hmm, that does sound wrong. But what about mint liquorice? (Won’t somebody think of the children)

Oh, and incidentally, I couldn’t get the smoothie with ginger, as this particular smoothie store had no ginger. Maybe I should take my own and ask them to throw some in.

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