
the hedgehog society

It seemed reasonable, when I went to the Wikipedia page on hedgehogs, that it wanted to first show me the small spiny mammal version of a hedgehog. That seemed fair. However, I was shocked and appalled to discover that even the hedgehog disambiguation page doesn’t list the tasty Australian chocolate slice – the one true hedgehog – amongst the possibilities.

As a result of my outrage, I have been driven to join the Hedgehog Society. As a member, I plan to fight for the rights of this overlooked dessert, and draw attention to hedgehog abominations as I find them – for who hasn’t gone to purchase a hedgehog, and then found there to be far too much biscuit content? Or feeble thin layers of icing? Or terrible thick over-hardened ‘icing’? Or crumbly and tastless slice underneath? Somewhere out there, there must exist the one true hedgehog, perfect in dimension and ingredient proportions. I have begun my quest to find this hedgehog.

Remember, this is not a hedgehog:

This is:



* telemarking tomorrow
* new episodes of scrubs
* going climbing this afternoon – and that the gym kitty was at the gym
* maybe getting the working in the US thing organised soon. it’s the waiting that’s so frustrating
* new songs to listen to, in the house i have to myself
* spring begins – tree outside loungeroom window now covered in leaves

* feeling sick from eating too many hedgehogs (well, actually from having just eaten two hedgehogs for lunch – the chocolatey ones, not the spikey animaly ones)
* not having climbed for around two weeks before today, feeling weak
* delete key and right arrow key on keyboard ceasing to function, now being followed by backspace and enter key
* cat sitting on me so i cant move
* now the apostrophe key has stopped working