canada general

Out about town

Snow on the peaks, nearly all the leaves gone from the trees, but no ice floes in the river yet… a warm Autumn this year.

bikes canada general

Biking Baldy in the snow

It was a lovely day for a bike ride, sunny and warm. No, wait, I’m thinking of two months earlier.

On this day, it was cold, overcast and windy, but we went for a ride anyway. It snowed on us, which made for a slippery single-track descent.

But it was nice to get out.

bikes canada general

Legacy Trail to Banff

Probably my last ride along the Legacy Trail before the weather turns and covers it with just enough snow to make it un-rideable, but probably not enough to make skiing the whole thing a fun idea (I have dreams of them grooming it for skate-skiing, that would be just awesome.

Photo taken with fancy new phone – amazing camera!

canada general

Touristing up the Icefields Parkway

Taking a visiting Uncle up to Icefields Parkway, Peyto Lake looks much the same as ever – although with considerably less snow and ice on top than in Winter.

Yep, it’s still pretty up there, and it’s been a really mild Autumn.

food general

Cookie Monster cupcakes

I’ve been looking for an excuse to make these for ages, after picking up the right icing tip when we were over in the Okanagan in early summer. And then a birthday came along.

They’re even tastier than you think they might be (they were chocolate cupcakes underneath… white fondant for the eyes… melted chocolate for the pupils…. and of course tasty butter icing for the fur).