bikes craft general

lichen, aubergine and embers

Pleasant views while out a-mountain-biking near St. Andrews on Saturday morning. We were going to be in Kinglake National Park, but they were shooting goats apparently. Despite our lack of resemblance to goats, we decided to go and ride our bikes elsewhere.

Meanwhile, I have come up with the brilliant plan of teaching myself to knit so I can knit myself a Doctor Who scarf for the Winter (yes, I had trouble believing someone has devoted a website to the subject too – then I remembered it was the internet).

bikes general

mad i tell you

Ok, this is the story of my day yesterday. I carefully pack my bag for work – laptop, wallet, food, change of clothes, some work I’d done, make sure I’ve got my access card. I run around the house making sure I haven’t forgotten anything, as I’m cycling to work from where I’m housesitting, and it’s quite a distance. So I hop on my bike and cycle…. cycle cycle… cycle past school children studying Melbourne’s creek systems… ponder the fact that I forgot to bring my shoes, so I’ll be clomping around in bike shoes… cycle some more… cycle past people walking their dogs… cycle cycle… 20km or so later, I arrive at work, and hang up my bike on the bike hook, then go to reach around for my D-lock, packed safely in my bag. But my bag doesn’t appear to be there. I pat around at my back from the other side, then look around my feet in bemusement. Where can it be? I look up and down the bike storage corridor… no bag. And the realisation slowly dawns that I never had it in the first place, and it is infact sitting safely back at the house.

Which is one reason to look forward to getting old, as then I’ll at least have an excuse for this sort of behaviour.

(NOTE – The ‘what happened next’ goes something along the lines of “I cycled back home in disgust, and was glad that I’d actually left the bag in the house, rather than sitting on the verandah to be stolen, and was vaguely relieved by the fact that at least I had my keys on me, so wasn’t faced with the prospect of breaking and entering as well”)

bikes general

it rained

There aren’t many good photos from the weekend – it was raining on Saturday, and I didn’t think carrying my camera around while mountainbiking was a good idea, given the high likelihood of crashing. But here’s a photo from the Beechworth Course – where it actually looks as if I’m sort of high in the air.

(Oh yes, after looking at the weather forecast, I went mountain-biking instead of climbing this weekend. It was fun. I crashed, and have a sore shoulder and a graze on my face. We went through Yackandandah. And ate at the Beechworth Bakery – overrated? And wandered around the Beechworth Sweet Store, like kids in a thingy.)

bikes general


News to any arsonists – the Mt Buller fire spotting hut is not manned around sunset. Prime time to burn down more alpine forests (please don’t).

Also, I’d like to put in an order for lots of snow this year, and a really long snow season. Mountain biking around a hot and dusty Mt Buller was rather depressing. The ski lifts just looked so sad and pointless (except perhaps the one with mountain bikers coming up on it). My telemark skis are sitting in the corner of my room, also looking sad and pointless. Please bring snow, oh great Flying Spaghetti Monster.

bikes general trip reports

a weekend in the exciting metropolis of canberra

Plan for the weekend – drive to Canberra on Friday, compete in the AROC Adventure Race on Friday evening; spend Saturday lazing around and relaxing; get up early on Sunday, and compete in the Urban Polaris.

The weather’s plan for the weekend – look pleasant and sunny when we arrived in Canberra on Friday, then 20 minutes later, have a front come over, spawning mini-tornadoes, gale force winds, thunder and lightning, and tearing the city apart, throwing trees everywhere. So, the Friday night adventure race was postponed until Saturday evening. Oh… what’s that? …. you wanted to have some time to actually sleep and maybe recover after adventure racing? Well, that’s a pity.


We take time out of our busy schedules to meet Scruff the cranky cockatiel

So, Saturday afternoon saw us hauling ourselves out to Lake Burley Griffin (again). This time the weather was a bit better though. We collected PFDs, and course maps, got our bikes set up. The race started at 6, as 200 or so people – all wearing PFDs and race numbers – created a stream of yellow along the lake shore, as we ran to collect kayaks (well, rigid three person canoe type things with kayak paddles).

Across to the other side of the lake, first checkpoint, back to the first shore again, wet shoes, wet pants, we ran to pick up our bikes and head off on the mountain biking leg. Not much biking, we collecting a few checkpoints out around Mount Ainslie before dumping our bikes at a transition area in a random park, off for a checkpoint to checkpoint run leg (the location of the next checkpoint is only revealed when you get to the one before it).

Picked up the bikes again, back to the main transition area, pick up PFDs, we get to run back to the kayaks again (hoorah). Across to the other side of the lake, and another run leg. We get the map for this area when we arive – a quick loop around the National Gallery – Old Parliament – Library area, then back to the kayaks, a horrible paddle across the lake in the dusk, into the wind, then off on the final run leg, in the dark. I pull out my trusty new headlamp, aha! Brilliant for finding checkpoints in those hard to spot places. We run through the last area, skipping the checkpoints we don’t need – this section involves collecting 70 points worth of checkpoints (out of 85). Then back to the main transition area, and we’re done. In under 3 hours too.

Now before we set off, we heard that the first 20 teams back in under 3 hours would get to do a ‘bonus lap’. We never thought we’d get back that quickly. Thankfully however, us and the team we arrived with were 21st and 22nd respectively, so we didn’t have to go out again. We cursed our bad luck. Then sat around and ate sausages, waited for the prizes to be handed out, and came away with some bike cleaner as a spot prize. Before heading back to bed (by, oh, 11.30 or so).

Sunday morning, we wake up at 6.30, and leave as soon as we can – we’re suppose to register for the Urban Polaris between 5.30am and 7.30am.

Starting times are staggered, a group leaves every ten minutes from 8.30 (due to numbers, with over 300 teams competing, mainly teams of two). Once you start you have seven hours to collect as many checkpoints as you can around Canberra – collecting a checkpoint involving clipping a scorecard with a special punch to be found at each location. Each checkpoint is worth a different amount (more points for harder to reach places), and if you’re back late, you start getting points deducted.

bike uphill

Pushing bikes up the steep hill at Mt Majura (look, I promise it really was very steep, and by the time this photo was taken we’d gone a long way up it and it was getting less steep)

So, we set off to do a loop of Northern Canberra – a few novelty checkpoints – waving down a kayaker paddling along the lakeshore; one in a climbing gym (at the top of a climb); one in a bowling alley (bonus points for pins knocked down with two balls); one at the zoo, over the tiger pen. 85km and 6 hours and 57 minutes later, we arrived back to the start, muddy and exhausted, with sore knees. We decide it would be silly to drive back to Melbourne that night, and crawl back to Rich’s to fall asleep.