
Kindle screensavers

So I’ve joined the e-book revolution, and thanks to a belated Christmas present, I’ve got a Kindle! It’s so very handy for reading books while wrangling a baby. I don’t have to struggle to hold it open, it just sits there, with text of whatever size is convenient, and I just have to hit the page turn button occasionally. I’m already wishing I had one for the cycle tour in 2009 – we struggled to find second-hand book stores with decent books in most of the small European towns we were cycling through.

However, although the screensavers that came with the Kindle had their own charms, I’d have enough of them within half a day. So I set forth to find out how to replace them. Methods have changed since the early Kindle days, so some techniques out there won’t work with the current (3rd) generation Kindle. I ended up using the jail-breaking technique described here. The instructions are pretty thorough, and the process fairly straightforward.


I uploaded a mix of images I found that other people had created…


Screensavers created from photos of mine…


And screensavers created based on other images found on the internet ..


My full collection of Kindle screensavers (being added to as I get around to creating more). Any 600×800 black and white image will work, but ones above 100kB start taking noticeably longer to load.

3 replies on “Kindle screensavers”

How exciting! I have started reading e-books on my iphone which is mostly ok because it is convenient but sometimes it is frustratingly small. Plus as staff a Latrobe, I can download e-books for free which I am loving!!

You must review the Kindle after a few months of use and let us know how it is going. :)

Sarah: Heh, yup – and it’s excellent, my kindle is much prettier now
Helen: I can imagine an iphone getting to be annoyingly small, even if you can embiggen the text. I’m already dreaming of an all-colour super-fast kindle though. ADVANCE DAMN YOU TECHNOLOGY, ADVANCE! Oh, and once you mentioned borrowing from Latrobe, I checked out our local library – they have e-books too!

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