canada general

a night at the hockey

It was a night at the hockey at the Calgary SADDLEDOME DOME DOME dome dome… dome. Calgary Flames versus the St Louis… somethings. I spent the night staring at their emblem, which seemed to be a little musical note with wings. According to the internet they’re the St Louis Blues.

Not having brought oxygen with us, we found the air a little hard to breathe from our seats. Thankfully we were surrounded by rabid Flames fans, which made things all the more interesting. The whole stadium was pretty much solely filled by rabid Flames fans, so the barracking was a little one sided. Apparently St Louis sucks. To the same tune you could also chant Go Flames Go.

In the end they did go, and won 3-1.

Half time entertainment was reminiscent of the sole AFL (Aussie Rules Footie) game I’ve been to, where small and incompetent children are brought out to play on a miniature version of the playing field.


Oh, and the had a real live tshirt gun – those things are impressively powerful, no wonder Marge Flanders was killed by one.