
it’s all in the mind you know

I’ve spent some time being accused of having eaten my pet rabbit. Save Toby is the story of someone who has gotten canny about his rabbit eating tendencies (not that I ate my rabbit, it was all just vicious rumours), and likewise come up with a cunning method to make some money out of peoples desire to not see small cute furry animals be eaten. The site has been around for a while now, but the basic idea is that he wants to raise $50,000 US by June 30th, otherwise he will eat the rabbit. The total is at $28,372.15 at the moment (apparently). I am watching with curiousity (although not donating any money towards the cause).

I also have to say, that having a credit card is a bad bad thing. I survived without one until the start of this year. Now the problem is not the running up of huge bills, but rather *sounding of dramatic chords* online shopping. It’s ingenious, you see things that you want, type a number on your keyboard, then you get exciting parcels in the mail! Everything is so cheap, and being in the US, postage doesn’t cost the earth, and I don’t have to worry about getting hit with extra costs by customs. I’ll probably wean myself from the habit when I get back home and start having to pay international postage again.