Somehow, it was time for another birthday.
During the Assiniboine hike, there had been a great deal of discussion regarding birthday plans. Largely what presents and cake he would like. Because those are good things to discuss if you’re attempting to distract a small person from how far they’re hiking.
And so there was a Woody cake. My first ever fondant effort. Making marshmallow fondant is actually pretty easy. It’s the applying it to the cake neatly part that is hard.
There was no singing of Happy Birthday (too loud and scary) and no blowing out of the candles (mama had to do it).
But there was certainly eating of the delicious cake (insides made by grandma, decorating courtesy of mama)
And now it’s all: “Next year I’ll be this many [holds up five fingers], and I’ll go to school!”. Yes, yes you will *gulp*.