climbing general

weekending at arapiles

spent the weekend at arapiles. we didn’t get a whole lot done. wandering up a climb on dunes buttress on sunday, we managed to spend at least an hour sleeping on one of the belay stations, watching the hoards streaming up missing link, with none of us feeling particularly motivated to do the final pitch of our own climb. in the end i was convinced to do it, on the grounds that i’d been climbing the longest – despite my defence that it was someone elses turn, as i’d just led the last pitch (just being probably an hour ago by the time we got around to moving again) . and my convincing arguments that corey should do it because he was stronger, or that maria should do it, because she’d led the first pitch. all of this over 25 metres of grade 12, mmm, sweet summer apathy.

a few photos from the trip …

rope pile

corey’s attractive rope, shimmering in the sunlight


a goat


a goat, and the view from a friend’s house.

general snow

snow porn at feathertop

Well, because it looks like the snow is all gone for the year here (well, there are still bits of it around, but not enough to count), and no more trips will be happening, i’m going to have to post these photos from our last trip for the year. strictly for drooling purposes.

This was our camp (best campsite ever)

and this was the view from our camp – it’s mount feathertop :)


yellow peril

playing on the ‘yellow peril’ sculpture. that’s not it’s real name, but a nick name it picked up when originally installed around 20 years ago. this was part of an expedition around the city finding things to climb on :)


the hired goons

in a small mall thing in the city, there are a group of young security guards (they all seem to be in their 20s). i call them the goons. but when they were buying outfits for them, it was obviously decided that big black trenchcoats would be a good look. nice for intimidation etc. so you have this group of three young goons, all wearing enormous jackets. the thing is, i don’t think they checked the sizes before giving them the jackets, as they all seem at least a size too big – you see the goons walking around, and you can just see their fingers poking out the bottom of the sleeves. this is combined with the fact their trousers are all too big – nice and bunched up around their shoes. i think it’s hard for them to look like they’re in a position of authority when they’re walking around looking like little kids dressed in their dads clothes. and they all have nice big walky talkies, that they like to use for gesturing at things, and generally waving around so they can show how important they are.