
fast breaking news flash

The Thesis is being printed.

general snow

otherwise occupied

Here’s a picture of the weekend at Mt Hotham. It’s taken on Paw Paw Plain. Yes, the weather and snow were both pleasant and enjoyable. Now excuse me while I go out and strangle someone… or burn a copy of Chapter Nine of my thesis (in the ‘hugely satisfying enormous leaping flames’ sense, not the CD/DVD sense).


thesis countdown – II

So, here we have that irritating little turtle back again. I’ve stopped his games now though.

My thesis is still not handed in. I’m still hassling my supervisor to read it. He says it’s ready now – he just has to read over and ok all of the chapters. Theoretically this could probably be done overnight. Based on prior experience, optimistic estimates now say he may possibly have it done in a month or so.


happy towel day!

And ever so appropriately for towel day, we include the following quote from Douglas Adams:

I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.

(Unsuprisingly, my thesis is not being handed in today. Soon? Perhaps.)


thesis countdown

So I’ve tried including one of these little countdown turtles before, but deadlines in a PhD are apparently only really there for the sake of being totally ignored. It looks like I will actually really and truly no crossed fingers be handing in at the end of the month. So just in case, here is a little turtle for the event.

I’ve even found someone to do the thesis softbinding.

Now there’s just the hard part to go: actually getting feedback from my supervisor. I’m sure he’ll look at all of the chapters eventually.