
ride pimpin’ 102

Latest phase of Van setup: Nearly complete (in this photo that is – in real life, carpeting of boxes has been completed, and back window curtains have been moved to a more appropriate position). Still no mirror ball.

I’ll have to get around to doing some research on how to add a second battery sometime soon. Otherwise how will I be able to watch Doctor Who when I’m on long road trips?

5 replies on “ride pimpin’ 102”

no need to pimp your ride!

dumb question, but are there nets so when you sleep at night no bugs fly in?


Well, point one is that there isn’t a ferocious amount of bug things here in Australia (not like all the horrible biting things on the East Coast) and when there are bugs around, they have a tendency not to bother me.

I can easily sleep with the van all shut up (and haven’t suffocated yet) if there are bugs around… but I’d like to replace the right side back passenger window with one that will actually open, and can have fly screen fitted into it. Otherwise, a nice big princess canopy hung up above the bed could do the trick. Not much of a worry at the moment anyway, it’s freezing cold here right now (well, in Australian terms, in that it’s getting down to single digit oC overnight, not actually freezing though).

hmmm, Interest in rainfall, watching Dr Who, nights spent with 2 cats (no. 1 kneading your tummy, no. 2 ignoring you)…. No, not boring at all

I didn’t know that, very cool. San Francisco is the same way. Oddly, however, my ex’s place seemed to have mosquitos vs any other home and/or area that I visited when living there. Beside from not having screened windows, there aren’t ACs either, which isn’t odd since the avg temp. is 50*.

Just curious though. When O and I went to the Outerbanks, not only were we attacked by mosquitos, but this horribly large biting bugs called horseflies, and who could forget noseums! While it was great camping so near to the beach, I hadn’t a clue that several times a year the entire Outerbanks area is sprayed for these bugs. Kinda makes me wonder why it is such a popular area!


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