
The King Bed conundrum

For two relatively small people, and a still relatively small miniature person, you would think that a king bed combined with a cot/crib would allow for plenty of sleeping space. Heaps.

Here is the sleeping set-up we’ve been using, and how it would work in an ideal world:

King bed, then cot/crib with one side removed, pushed up against the bed. Lots of room for everyone. However, in reality I’ve found it tends to work a little more like this:

It’s hard to convey in stick figures, but often my arms end up crossed over my body as there isn’t any space for them beside me. I could lie on my side, but then face getting trapped there, as my available space seems to only ever shrink.

And then there’s always the times I come to bed late. Faced with a small lower portion of bed available to me, I curl up as best I can:

Perhaps what we need is TWO king-sized beds…

3 replies on “The King Bed conundrum”

This looks really familiar, but I am one of the bed hogs in our household! And the child sleeping the wrong way in the bed is hauntingly realistic; why do they do that??

I’m pretty sure I’m sometimes the bed hog too – I just don’t remember those times because I’m blissfully fast asleep :) Although being trapped in the middle of the two boys does make it harder to carve out my own niche. As for sleeping sideways… maybe the bed is facing the wrong way in the room. Or else they’re magnetic.

Namna’s mouse looks really snuggy in the chariot! Could you post one of the two of them out of the chariot for loving aunties!!!

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