canada general moosling

Nestlé really are evil

I got all excited when a parcel notification turned up in my mailbox. So I hurried myself over to the post office, and was handed a nice heavy exciting looking parcel. I had no idea what it could be though! Keys to the ready, I ripped it open, and was faced with a Nestlé backpack filled with a huge tin of baby formula, and a Baby’s First Formula Feeding Kit and a fancy booklet telling me all about how awesome their formula was (although of course not as good as breastmilk, it was still super super awesome, and filled with many vitamins and nutrients, and I should take it to hospital with me).



After some sleuthing, I realised they probably got my address after I gave it to the people at the store where I bought some maternity-wear. Which teaches me for giving my address to people.

2 replies on “Nestlé really are evil”

Oh, I totally didn’t think of doing that! I should have just Return to Senderified it back at them (“Reason: Nestle are evil”). Now I don’t have the box any more, but I still haven’t worked out whether I should just take the backpack of stuff to the Thrift store or what…

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