bikes general

melburn-roobaix (the hell of the northcote)

So, Saturday was the inaugural Melburn-Roobaix.

MELBURN-ROOBAIX. An idea for a regular alleycat evolved into one of Melbourne’s biggest and best underground cycling events.

Over 100 riders rode all over Melburn in search of checkpoints tucked away in the roughest corners of each suburb, riding rough pave, dirt roads, traversing stairs, crossing railways, and carrying supplies.

When they were done, their musettes full, they rode a final lap of glory around Brunswick Velodrome.

Beautiful weather, lots of fun :)

Here’s a few of the Abbotsford cycling folks hanging out in the velodrome, post-race. Doesn’t seem like winter at all.

The event photos are up too – you can see us lurking in the backgrounds (and foregrounds) of a few photos.

Today, rain started bucketing down. Luckily, not until after we’d finished riding the Yarra single trails. Where I managed to crash and land on my head. Just a little bit. My bike decided to stop for some reason, and as there was no prior agreement about this, I went off over the handlebars.


zombies ate my cat

For those of you out there in Melbourne who don’t get enough of the living dead, then this Saturday I believe I have may have found the event for you.

“What do we want?”
“When do we want it?”



Christmas in Melbourne – the Bourke St stars now replace the old green and red spirally things that they used for years until really, they were falling apart, and having old Christmas decorations on your tree at home is all well and good, due to emotional attachment, etc etc, but who on earth was so attached to those spiral things with the stars cut out of them that they hung around as city decorations for a good few years after they were well due for retirement?


this place

Sometimes I have my window open at home, and I think to myself: “Why does this place smell like a brewery?”.

And then I realise that it’s probably just the fact that I live next door to a brewery.


tremble, puny earthlings!

Melbourne – most liveable city in the world (or one of them, along with Vancouver and Vienna), according to the 2004 poll by the Economist Intelligence Unit. Melbourne’s been rating up there for a few years now.

DC – not the most liveable city in the world. I think it rates 57th. Which I can understand on the grounds of the weather alone – hot and sticky in Summer, but just a few months ago, there was snow, and I couldn’t go outside without wearing gloves. On top of that, I bought new deoderant last night, which turns out to be boy-smelling deodorant. I’m finding it very confusing.