craft general moosling

My cloth nappy*/diaper scheme

Disclaimer: Don’t read any further if you’re not interested in cloth nappies/diapers.
*Second disclaimer: I’m going to call them nappies, not diapers, because I’m not from the US

This is just a summary of my cloth nappy set-up. I’ve only been doing it for a couple of months (although now updated from the ‘have been doing this for 19 months now’ perspective), so things will probably change, but in the meantime, this is the sort of thing I found really handy to read before I started the cloth nappy process, as a lot of information out there was really short on detail and photos (although there’s heaps of fantastic information at Karen’s Diaper Pages (she’s also much better at doing the pre-fold folds than I am, I’m still getting the hang of it), and a bunch of photos of prefolds on babies at Green Mountain Diapers prefold page . There’s also a good summary of all the different types of nappies available these days here. So here we go…

craft general

Most awesome My Little Pony mods ever

Thanks to the friend who pointed me to these – My Little Pony for Geeks. Hurrah for modern pop culture and the Internet, where would we be without you? Why, we’d be making do with plain old-fashioned ordinary My Little Ponies, and the world would be a much less interesting place.


My Little Rorschach Pony (source)



My Little Avatar Ponies (source)



My Little Stormtrooper Pony (source)



My Little Edward Scissorhands Pony (source)



My Little Spock Pony (source)


craft general

when the cat’s away, the mice will crochet



Being relatively immobile is conducive to learning new crafty skills. I keep making hats and then undoing them to try something else.

craft general

pirates and ninjas…

Gingerbread pirates and ninjas!

(Click to embiggen)

None of the icing bags I had were very good for detailed work, but you get the idea. Note particularly the multitude of missing limbs, the man with a cannonball hole blasted through his stomach, and another with a chocolate monster bursting out from their stomach.

craft general

jim’s ninjas

A new branch of the well-known “Jim’s” franchise. Coming soon to a location near you.