canada general

why fondue went out of style (or, we nearly burnt the damn house down)

For Christmas dinner, we also tested out my fancy schmanzy new fondue set. Well fancy schmancy retro fondue set, that Secret Santa had bought for me from the Canmore thrift shop.

We read through the instruction book carefully. It was full of helpful tips.

“Fondue and friends make a gay after-ski party.”

“Liven up this informal party with bright coloured table decorations. For the buffet centrepiece, glue coloured paper cups end-to-end to hold attractively-arranged flowers.”

“Needless to say, more extensive burns should receive a doctor’s prompt medical attention.”

“In addition, a fire extinguisher should be as easily accessible to the dining area as it is to other parts of the house.”



And although we did set the placemat under the fondue slightly on fire, and at one point there were large leaping flames, and at another point we were unsure how we’d ever be able to get the thing to stop burning, save letting it burn itself out entirely … well, the cheese fondue was still deliciously tasty.

4 replies on “why fondue went out of style (or, we nearly burnt the damn house down)”

sadly… i literally, lit my dinning room table on fire not once… but twice making fondue (several years ago)… i have also managed to spill glasses of wine all over my table after telling guests to be careful of the flames, etc…. it has been a while since i’ve made fondue.

I have that cookbook, too! One of these days I am going to have a multi-course fondue dinner. One course of meat and other deep fried yummies, one cheese dipped course and an dessert course with chocolate fondue. yum.

That cookbook is incredibly useful and informative. And one day maybe I’ll have a multi course fondue dinner too. With chocolate at the end (we got too full to make our chocolate fondue). Perhaps I’ll find a stone table to put the fondue on though.

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