

I haven’t been doing many interesting things recently, as I’ve been working a lot. I have this dream, that one day (hopefully before the end of this year) I will hand in my thesis. And the examiners will hand it back with glowing smiles on their faces, passing it with no more than minor corrections needed. And I shall glide around my graduation ceremony in a flowing robe, and everyone will say to me ‘Congratulations Evilmoose’, and I shall say ‘No, no, it’s Doctor Evilmoose’, and they shall say ‘Of course your graciousness’ (or something like that) and hand me gifts of cookies and exciting wines and cheese, and other such things.

But in the meantime, I have to just hope that my supervisor will arrive back in the country eventually, and might actually look at some of the chapters I’ve handed him to mark over the past two years, and perhaps even sign my ‘Intention to Submit’ form. As I keep working and trying to dig up enough worthwhile results to throw into my thesis to make it thesis-shaped. And procrastinate occasionally… just a bit…

(click for a more readable version)

2 replies on “phd-itis”

i have these episodes (and a few others) pinned up on the wall of my workstation. i look at them and laugh, then get depressed again.

That’s the thing about the comics – you look at them, then laugh at how exactly they describe your life. Then you cry, because it’s true.

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