

I realised the other day that I hadn’t heard any magpies since I’ve been here. Then I wondered if they had magpies in the US at all. Then I discovered they did, but they were fake magpies. The magpies in the US and Europe are similar to the Australian Magpies in marking, which is how the Australian Magpies got their name. But they’re from a different family. So, no magpies over here. But I did find some mp3s of magpie calls.

For those of you who have never experienced the joy of being dive-bombed by an angry Spring magpie (they’re always angry, and their territory must be well defended), I am sorry. But if you ever do, remember that wearing an icecream carton on your head with eyes drawn on the back will stop them from swooping you (they only come from behind) even if it will make you feel silly.

And for those who have never experienced the joy of having a hoard of baby magpies squawking outside your tent as you try and sleep in – I am sorry. It is a truly memorable experience, and makes you really want to try out magpie-pie.

4 replies on “magpies!”

they are prevalent in the bay area. i have been attacked. the trees near the grocery stores were perfect nesting areas for them. i cannot say the same for innocent pedestrians. while it was funny to watch others attacked, it was not much fun to be on the rec’vn end.


Yes they van be quite disconcerting when you are out riding your bike and they swoop at you from behind with no warning whatsoever.

Just to be kind – magpies only become territorial and angry once they have been attacked or agrivated. Once the behaviour is learned, it is never unlearned. Magpies who have never seen people don’t swoop – it’s only the urban rebellious magpies that are a worry.

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