bikes canada general

24 Hours of Adrenalin, or 13 Hours of Adrenalin and a Nice Cup of Tea

I rode for the CMH corporate team again this year – three laps (scoring the 10.30pm, a 6am, and then to make up for it, the last lap of the day around midday on Sunday). The Moosling and Alex did not camp up at the Nordic Centre overnight, being that at least that way they could get some sleep overnight. Even camped in the quietest area, it still isn’t a relaxing sleep-filled night.

The bridge you had to ride over at the start of your lap

The course was fast, and slightly modified (cutting out Killer Bees and a section of FYI) to avoid some of the storm damage from Friday night – uprooted and fallen trees left sections of impassable track.

Yes, I’m actually a ninja. Shhh.

bikes canada general

A Summer of Bikes

Just a few random phone photos taken on some of the local rides so far this summer. We never usually end up getting any photos, so much of summer goes un-photographed, when it’s just lots of biking.

Montane Traverse lower bench, Canmore

View from the Highline Trail, Canmore

Sarah riding the Highline Trail, Canmore

At the top of Stoney Squaw, Banff

The Prospector Trail, Exshaw

bikes canada general

Lake Minnewanka – to ride one’s bicycle along the lake

I had somehow never ridden the Lake Minnewanka shoreline trail before, but managed to get in two rides this year before the wildlife closure kicked in. Definitely not Chariot friendly unfortunately, otherwise we could do a family bike and hike up Mount Aylmer.

A good ride to hit early in the day if you’re going to be riding on the weekend too. Trail enjoyment is considerably reduced for everyone involved when you’re constantly having to slow right down and ring your bell to politely pass hikers. Fantastic fun if you can get a clear run at it though.

On the July version of the ride we actually made it out to the Warden’s Cabin (in May we’d had to turn back early due to work schedules). Sitting on the rocky beach and eating lunch, a deer wandered past and tried to eat our bicycles.

(And sorry for the slightly dodgy phone photos, but my camera is just to big to enjoyably haul out on single-trail bike adventures… and yes we are dorks with bikes. Thank you for noticing.)

canada general hiking moosling trip reports

Wind Ridge: Toddler Hiking

We biked up from town towards the start of the Wind Ridge hike (about a 12km bike from downtown, out along the old trails past the end of Three Sisters) and then stowed the bikes and Chariot in the trees once the going started getting a little too steep. Then we pulled out the Ergo and hiking boots and hats, and started walking up.

From our bike-stashing point it was around 4km to the high point on the ridge, with 700m of elevation gain. And the wild Moosling managed to hike a fair bit of it.

In-between throwing off his hat and refusing to put it back on again.

We made it to the top though, and then sat in the shade and ate lunch, and watched the sight-seeing helicopter tours zooming past.

As we hiked back down again, the Moosling slept nearly the entire way (and kept his hat on). And then there was icecream.

canada general hiking moosling

Black Prince Cirque is a hike. A mosquito-ridden hike.

Mosquito-ridden it may have been, but at least it was scenic.

It began with a roadside bull moose, as we were on our way to the trailhead.

We set off, and the Moosling did a lot of hiking, until we hit the uphill. He was very interested in the river though, and made a few side trips to see if he could get into it.

Bridges were fun though, for trip-trapping over, and for throwing things off.

We reached the cirque, and Warspite Lake, and ate lunch while running around in circles being eaten by mosquitos.

And then on the way down there were pikas, and a lot more throwing things into streams.

Rating: A good toddler walk, except for the one longer uphill section where he was grudgingly carried.