
passport update

Sydney Irish embassy: Your passport is here for collection. Best regards, Consulate General Sydney

Well. That’s convenient isn’t it. I’ll just pop over to Sydney then shall I?

(On contacting them, they’ve kindly offered to mail it out to the address I’d originally wanted them to mail it to anyway. Two and a half months ago. So hopefully all will end well)


why i only trust embassies as far as i can throw them

Trying to get an Irish passport might even prove to be more fun than my attempts to get a US visa.

Me [back in July]: Hi, so I live in Melbourne, is the Canberra embassy the right place to submit my passport application to?
Irish embassy: Yes. The Canberra embassy processes applications for people who live in the ACT or Victoria. If you lived in NSW you’d have to submit your application to they Sydney embassy however.
Me: Well, I live in Melbourne, so that’s fine.

Me [at the embassy in August]: So here is my passport application
Irish embassy: Why is the address for posting the passport to in NSW?
Me: Well I wanted it mailed to my parents, who live in NSW, as I’m not sure what address I’ll be at by the time the passport arrives. I live in Melbourne though. Is that ok?
Irish embassy: Yes, that’s fine

Me [2 months after submitted application, and 6 weeks after they took money out of my account]: So um… where’s my passport?
Irish embassy: We have no application under that name.
Me: No, seriously.
Irish embassy: Oh. We sent it to Sydney because your form said you were from NSW
Me: [slaps forehead] Fine, I’ll email the Sydney embassy then
Sydney Irish embassy: ……..

I’ll keep you updated. No doubt I’ll find they emailed my passport to someone in Guatemala with the same name as me.