

Well, I’m feeling fairly ropable at the moment. The first weekend of peak bagging in how long? And I get left behind! I spend a weekend lying on a bed in stinking hot Melbourne, when I could be off bagging peaks in Alpine Victoria. Mt Buggery, Mt Speculation AND Mt Despair would have ALL BEEN MINE! But no. And this? This is just some sort of atrocity against moose-kind. You’re not fooling anyone you know.


but where’s the snow?

So I came up to Mt Buller for the weekend. Alright here, a bit dusty and dry, but hardly a challenging peak in the Summer (well, not that it’s challenging in Winter either apparently, but at least it’s a bit more interesting). I’d really like to play in the snow again, I’m not much of a Summer moose.


wilson’s moose

Still not sure who this Wilson chap is (apparently the friend of a sea captain, not all that sure what he did to have the Promentary named after him). However, I digress. I spent the past weekend there and had a lovely time bouldering and travelling in sea kayaks and that sort of thing. No peak bagging however. But at least I got to do something.

Here’s me jamming my way up the crack on a boulder on Squeaky Beach.

I tried this chimneying business, but found it a bit of a challenge – it was just getting a little too wide for my liking.

And here you can see my encounter with a wombat. He seemed quite pleasant and friendly at first, and then he started trying to eat me, so I quickly left the area. Not an experience I’d like to repeat in a hurry.


russell, back in australia

Well, I’d been back in Australia for a while, and had thoroughly recovered from any moose-lag, when we made a foray up into the ACT. And enroute, stopped at the Dog on the Tuckerbox (of course). He seemed quite a pleasant chap, but not particularly talkative.

A few days later, we were returning to Melbourne, when I happened upon this submarine.


el russell en mexico

My time in Mexico was interesting. I thought it would be hot and unpleasant, and that all the tequila would make my fur sticky. In reality, in was sometimes hot and unpleasant, and then sometimes cold, rainy, windy and unpleasant. And then occasionally the weather would be entirely unremarkable. Also, there wasn’t that much tequila, except in the Duty Free section at the airport. There wasn’t much peak bagging achieved, however, I present you with my adventures, such as they were.

On our third day in the country, we climbed the volcano, Nevado de Toluca. Here I am poised above one of the crater lakes, Laguna de Sol.

russell at nevado de toluca

And, towards the flatter side of the volcano, here’s me with Laguna de la Luna. With the rim standing at 4690m (15,390ft) at its highest, Nevado de Toluca it’s Mexico’s fourth highest peak. Not bad for a small moose.

russell at nevado de toluca

Here you can see me perched on top of the Peak of Bernal, and yes, I’m in Mexico. Actually, I’m not on the Peak of Bernal. But I am near it, on the El Capitan boulder. I particularly admire the way my fur glistens in the sun here. This was a nice little rockclimbing spot we spent a day at, and apparently is also a point of much cosmic energy. I’ll probably live longer now.

russell en bernal