
my grand colorado adventure

We set off on the aeroplane. I’m allowed to drink some guava juice, although it’s rather sweet.

russell at nevado de toluca

After sleeping in the van overnight in the Walmart carpark, we go to REI in Denver the next morning to buy some fuel for the stove (well, that’s what they say, we seem to wander around a lot looking at other things). Then I play with some friendly bear cubs I found in the gardens outside.

russell at nevado de toluca

That night we climbed the Third Flatiron by the light of the full moon, which was rather enjoyable. Here you can see me against the lights of Boulder.

russell at nevado de toluca

The following day we drove up towards Rocky Mountain National Park, and I went bouldering at Lumpy Ridge – the altitude was a bit of a killer, I can tell you.

russell at nevado de toluca

We climbed Longs Peak (14,261 ft) the next day, summiting at 8.30am. Unfortunately it was rather windy, and I kept blowing off this boulder – luckily I wasn’t near the edge. However, for the sake of a photograph I had to be weighted down with a Nalgene bottle full of water.

russell at nevado de toluca

And then we went and climbed Mt Elbert, the highest peak to be bagged in Colorado, at 14,440 feet. It’s the highest I’d ever been.

russell at nevado de toluca

And then I went home. The End.


and i wasn’t lying

This is me, on top of Hawksbill (the highest peak in Shenandoah National Park), reclining against a hazy backdrop.

russell on the pontoon

adventures in shenandoah

I saw a bear! Thank goodness it didn’t savage me. And some deers that were almost mooses, but not quite. Reached the summit of another peak also. Photos on their way (hold back your excitement, dear readers, I can see you are frothing at the mouth).


spiffing weekend

Well, I had an absolutely spiffing weekend. We went to Summersville Lake in West Virginia, and I was allowed on the boat on Saturday. While they all went hurling themselves in the water and climbing up the cliffs, I was reclining and enjoying the scenery.

russell on the pontoon

I got to hang out with Vegas again, which I rather enjoyed. I also met Ness, who is a charming young lady. This is me giving her a back massage.

russell on the pontoon

I spent some time playing with Alyce as well – here I am sitting on her lap while she teaches me how to drive the boat.

russell on the pontoon

weekending at seneca, west virginia

Well, I was of the opinion the whole thing could have been a bit of a debacle. We got to Seneca on Saturday, and I’d only gotten up one climb before a thunderstorm came across! Completely unpredicted, and it rained for the rest of the day. However, I ended up finally summiting on Sunday – despite the forecast changing to suddenly being completely dire and miserable sounding, it was lovely and sunny. Perhaps too sunny. Never mind. This is me on the South Peak, with the town of Seneca in the background

russell at seneca