climbing general

governor stable 2005 roundup

Governor Stable bouldering comp photos are up here, here, here, and here. Final results are up here.

And argh! Trying to do some cooking tonight – spent forever trying to track down beef stock, pastry sheets and mixed herbs (I gave up on the mixed herbs and got something called Italian seasoning in the end – it looked right at least). Plain flour is ‘all-purpose flour’. Cooking choc bits are called ‘semi-sweet morsels’. Castor sugar is ‘fine granulated sugar’. Argh, the culture shock.

Edit – And the pastry I got (the only stuff they actually had) was those thin sheets instead of normal pastry. So my meat pies are looking fully gourmet (pronounced ‘gormett’).

climbing general

more photos from governor stable

Bouldering at GS

Jeff on Eggsocentric – V3 I think


Bouldering at GS

Vegas on the evil arete problem


Bouldering at GS

Marie on something delicate and crimpy


Bouldering at GS

Boulder field


Bouldering at GS

The Egg Left mantle


Bouldering at GS

Ocean on Casablanca – V3?