canada general

bit nippy out

I’m not sure when the temperatures were last above freezing, but I think it was a couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately there isn’t much snow looming in future forecasts, but at least all the cold will be helping the ice climbs get nice and fat.

But I’m beginning to see what all the Canadians in Melbourne were complaining about. Whether it’s the proper heating over here, the really dry air, or the fact the temperatures don’t seem to jump around so much, I’m finding the cold here easier to deal with than in Melbourne. Of course I might change my mind when it hits -30oC, but by then I can probably get away with whinging about the cold.



Today I was introduced to the concept of the 30-30-30 rule. If the temperature drops to -30°F or under, and the wind is blowing at 30 mph, then any exposed skin will begin to freeze in 30 seconds. It was bloody cold today.

Well, it wasn’t quite cold enough for the rule to come into effect, but it was raining, and then snowing, all with a very strong wind, which managed to freeze lots of car doors shut, and create swathes of black ice on the roads and pavements, and nearly blow people over who were silly enough to be standing around outside.